You're going to do great.
Do not buy into that 'useful' degree argument. You studied, you learned how to learn, and now you're out in the world trying to figure out what is your path, and how the hell are you going to switch from broke to well paid.
Some suggestions:
- get out of high street mediocrity - nobody does well in retail or humdrum shitty jobs for the masses
- find what you love, and do it for free, when you're not working a shit job to pay bills. Then one day you'll find another less-shit job that's closer to what you love.
- believe in yourself + stay humble + stay curious. Plug in your beginner mind and ask yourself what each experience can teach you, not what it can pay you.
- always be learning. The only people I really feel sorry for are those who stopped being curious somewhere along the way, and now they're stuck.
- be adventurous. Go to happening parts of the country, and go to other countries. Explore. Have no plan. Be flexible and open minded. You can't fail to meet some amazing people and learn fantastic new things.
- while working your shit job that is all you can find for now, take a night class or online class in something that might carry you up and out of "here" maybe over to "there"
- there is no :"there". Keep searching.