You’re allowed to believe what you believe, of course. And you’re almost 100% entitled to feel angry at the wealth gap and privilege inequality in our world — this is a real problem and the injustice provokes anger.
However, what the angry critics of Musk / Jobs / Kalanik / Brin / Benioff etc are missing is that these guys combine extraordinary intelligence with courage, vision and very hard work. They see around corners and far into the future. The author sounds like she thinks she’s on a level with Elon Musk in terms of IQ and imagination, which she absolutely is not. An Elon Musk comes around once a century. He has given the world a viable electric car, a supercharging network, a new internet, the best autonomous vehicle technology yet, a breakthrough home energy storage solution and a breakthrough solar roof. Giant corporations with ample cash reserves have struggled to do even small parts of this, and he’s done it all. This is why people who dream of achieving things feel inspired by Elon Musk. The author of this piece doesn’t inspire me at all. She’s bitter, angry, unimaginative, and she thinks she’s on a par with a once-a-century genius inventor: she is not.