Wrong, and quite infantile. Your comments reveal a deep seated resentment against wealthy people. Your understanding of steve Jobs' role is factually incorrect: he was not a software engineer, true, but his conceptual understanding of what he wanted to deliver to the world was a decade ahead of everyone else, therefore he possessed unique vision and skills to invent, build, market and sell. You can't teach that.
Your understanding of Elon Musk's role in the universe is misguided: Must possesses and extraordinarily high IQ allowing him to learn complex concepts faster than those around him, and he is able to focus on important tasks while filtering out all the noise, while also possessing the courage and audacity to attempt extremely difficult projects where most would deem them too risky. He never gives up, even when things are hard. He is the most transformative human being alive today. When he's done, we will be done with the petrodollar economy and the Saudis can go back to riding camels in the desert because we won't be buying oil anymore. The internet will be transformed because we will have obsoleted Comcast, AT&T and the world's parasite phone companies.
Oprah? Who cares? She's a TV personality who has made a lot of money. You're mixing an entertainer with inventors. All they have in common is lots of money, and there's your problem: you hate rich people.
It's understandable in this time of widening wealth gap that many people develop a hatred of money and wealth as a personal coping mechanism to ease the pain of poverty and mediocrity. But let's not jumble up all wealthy people into one basket of parasitical humans who just take and don't give. The heirs to the Walmart empire are parasites. The Trump-Kushner family are corrupt parasites. Steve Jobs was a visionary and a genius who brought us many technologies that changed our lives.