Why do rednecks, flat earthers, Jesus freaks and uneducated people attach so easily to the anti-science position that climate change is a hoax? Probably because they're being influenced by powerful people quietly shaping opinion by weaponizing social media. But also possibly because scientists can be a prissy, petty and political bunch sometimes. They're prone to groupthink and feuds, like the rest of us.
We will discover sometime over the coming two decades that there are other forces at play, beyond man-made carbon emissions, all contributing to the climate swings we're observing. When we put it all together we'll probably have a better chance of adjusting the dials that are within our control.
We're at maximum sun right now, and the sun has inverted its magnetic axes. Could be relevant. Volcanic activity below the ocean floor may be a factor. Ocean currents changing direction may be less connected to carbon emissions than we assume.