When George W Bush was 'prepping' America with propaganda for an invasion of Iraq, he said "You're either with us or against us". What an offensive and ignorant, gaslighting thing to say. If we don't support a warmongering president into his fake war, we're un-American? Fuck off, Mr President.
Similarly, anyone telling white folk that either they're all out fighting against white supremacy or they are white supremacists, is pure gaslighting and fundamentally fraudulent. We don't have to take sides in every dispute, and we don't have take up arms in every war. We can give moral support to one side if we feel that side is right, without wielding stick or a sign at a protest. We can also decide that neither side is 100% right, and wish everyone good luck. We will get called names by some people, but we will wish them the best and stay our course.
Whatever you do, someone doesn't like it. Make sure you like it.