Want to know why Trump will win? The Democratic Party has been invaded by angry far left illiberal liberals who want a race war, when most of us don't want any such thing. They're causing a toxic allergic reaction by the mainstream democrats and the swing voters, without which it would be unthinkable for a corrupt dictator, racist, misogynist and thug, to win an election.
Yes, you are the problem. You're spreading divisive and racist narrative that is eroding our unity. You felt at liberty to insult my country and my culture, while it would be unthinkable for me to insult yours. Nor would I ever want to: I want harmony and an end to racial tensions. You felt free to use language like "whites like you" while the reverse would be unacceptable. You want special rights that aren't for everyone. You want to be racist while decrying racism.
You are the problem.
I hope (and believe) the next generation will be more interested in unifying than dividing.