To my republican friends who voted for Joe and Kamala: thank you.
Now please stick around. There's a seat for you in the big tent that Joe is building. we want to hear you and we want to build a roadmap that serves you just as well as it serves the liberals and progressives who think Joe is too old and too moderate. We want to treat all our fellow citizens as fellow humans, even when we disagree, and never again as enemies. We got played. We let social media and cheap digital media divide us into camps. Nobody was right and we stood weak and divided. No more.
I personally will commit to you that I will fight AGAINST those democrats who want to prolong the division and the hatred. I will RESIST the cries for crucifiction of all trump voters. I will SAY NO to anyone who wants me in their camp if their purpose is to spread hate against republicans.
Welcome to the middle. This is where the answers are. this is where the future is.