This is the best thing I have read all year. I have for two years been silently agonizing over the progressive agenda and how harmful it appears to be to the genuine center-left voting bloc, of which I am a proud member. Indeed, I have a times declared that I am no longer a Democrat. If being one means embracing a thinly veiled hatred of whites, of wealthy and successful people, of our police officers, and of business.
Thank you for quoting sources and for balancing the very real need to eradicate racism with the equally real problem of “woke” politics being a divisive and negative force rather than a uniting one. There is so much hate in the message. Let’s move back to Obama’s vision. One that is essentially color blind, and that promotes dialogue, inclusion, commonness and community.
What and who can possibly benefit from a message that tells all white people they belong to a white supremacist system and are guilty by birth? You can sell that story to a dislocated youth whose purpose in life has not yet crystallized (this person could just as easily join a jihad). But you’ll have a long day selling it to hardworking middle class people who just happen to have white skin.
It’s not just about race either. The “woke” agenda seems to promote hate of business as though the mere act of starting a company to make money is a greedy or unethical act.