There are several categories of people who hate Elon Musk. The rednecks, who fear losing their V8 engined trucks and being 'forced' into some effeminate little electric cars made by geeks and not well suited to hauling dead pigs to the barbecue. Then you have the progressive democrats in deep blue pockets, who have collectively decided there should be no billionaires. They hate rich people, business, and of course white people, men, the police, and the church. They have never invented anything nor have they built a valuable business. They are bitter. You also will hear from dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists who are suspicious of everything new and transformative. They were still going to piano-playing silent movies well into the soundtrack movie era. They think 5G causes cancer. They go to banks with people in them and write checks. They believe everything Tesla is snake oil. Of course you also have Q-Anon readers who believe Musk is a Russian implant on a mission to destroy America, first by killing our automobiles and then by poisoning our apple pie.