2 min readMay 17, 2020


Thank you Dr David Campt.

I reacted in panic too, but perhaps not in either of the listed reactions: I turned on Democrats / progressives, while assuring Trumpers that there’s no way in the history of ever that I’m joining their camp.

BTW I’m not white. I’m Kenyan-born Irish, raised in Italy, moved to US from Switzerland in 1993. I have nothing to say to an Alex Jones Infowars listener.

I love your article because it resisted attacking white progressives — something I did in my response to the situation we’re in. I blamed the tyranny of PC for the inevitable backlash which emboldened the people who used to quietly hate POC, LGBTQ, immigrants, etc. Now they’re not quiet anymore. I blamed white progressives for inventing silly concepts like white privilege, and for practicing white shaming as though somehow some group of people was going to benefit from this shaming. And I blamed educated white people for white guilting — every major catastrophe from the holocaust to the plastic continent in the ocean to world hunger is the fault of white people.

And the very same people who carried water for the inventors of white privilege, white shaming and white guilting, were thoroughly disgusted by the behavior of armed white-rule militia carrying tiki torches and sounding very scary indeed.

What we’ve done is unforgivable. we’ve given the mic to the two extremists in the room — the deplorable and the snowflake — and we’ve asked everyone else in the room to listen and watch them fight, and pick sides, as though there could be no other valid option, As though a centrist entering the melee would be nothing but a watered down nothingness and a coward who can’t stand up for something that has punch.

While I appreciate your article, I am quietly celebrating the impending defeat of the white progressives, even if it costs us another four of agent orange. Let’s face it, America’s problems run much deeper than one disastrous president. We are so deeply divided, we’re suffering groupthink, and we’ve silenced the centrists. None of this is good. Our problems are not even nearly solved when DJT is removed.




Written by Markokenya

San Francisco geek, entrepreneur, wannabe economist, mediocre equestrian

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