Thank you! I've been saying for a while now, people please ignore the racist comments and the shocking tweets. Trump is a master of deflection. He has signed away terrifying amounts of US military and intelligence properties to extremely untrustworthy foreign nations. He has cut exploration and drilling deals that put untold wealth directly into his pocket, at goodness knows what cost to the planet and nature. He has tilted stock prices using public statements with direct benefit to short sellers playing with Trump money, and winning big. He's doing so many bad things to America, all of them more serious than racially off-color tweets. Nevertheless, democrats keep taking the bait. Think forward to when we are no longer a democracy with fair, credible elections. When the press is gagged. When gays and trans people are beaten up by fascist gangs sanctioned by the president. Is this all less important than calling out a blackface photo from 40 years ago?