Sorry but I don't fit in with this neat theory. I am not a conservative I am a registered Democrat, and I abhor critical race theory. You may be right that in its original documents it does not directly advocate a notion that all white people are racist, but in its day to day application, it most certainly does. I'm not here to defend white people, but what I find most offensive about CRT is that it actively seeks to attack my attempts to be color blind. I wish for a world where race and color don't matter, and character, hard work and kindness matter instead. I want to not notice what color you are, what part of the world you hail from, what religion you may or may not belong to, and what your sexual preferences are. CRT says I can't do that. CRT also says that if I look white then I am white and therefore I am guilty of systemic racism and must devote the rest of my life to making reparations. This is spoiled child nonsense.
Also, anti-racism white people are sanctimonious, petty and annoying. I don't like them and I won't let them tell me what to do - ever.
Read some of the more eyebrow-raising ideas and you'll learn that only white people can be racist. As the oppressor race, their racism is designed to continue the oppression. Oh really? So the race-based prejudices that exist globally between countless races and other races, that's not racism, is that correct?
Many Americans are afraid to speak out against the far left and the ultra-liberal voices in case they are named and shamed as fascists and right wingers. This is exactly the problem the GOP is facing where chickenshit republicans won't speak out against trumpism and the white supremacist agenda. On the blue side, we have a responsibility to call out the loony toons that make the Democratic party look ridiculous to normal reasonable voters.
Critical Race Theory only looks after black people. Many other races are victims of racism and many races other than white people are guilty of racism. This is not your private war. We have even less chance of winning it if we pit black people against white people using an artificial and academic construct that simply does not stand up in neighborhood reality.