Scott, what has caused you to react so toxically against Silicon Valley, the VCs, the founders of tech giants, and almost everything that comes from the north end of your native state? And what causes you to side with the suits in NYC and the protectors of the infinitely uninspiring status quo? I understand how a small-brained human e.g. Kara Swisher would take such a position, but it's more baffling that you would. Silicon Valley is home to the most impactful innovators, those whose technologies have spread across the globe, changed how humans do things, and accelerated or eliminated many our less interesting daily chores. The Bay Area has generated more wealth and returned more investor value than any corner of the USA in the past 70 years. Without it, America would be a mediocre performing economy. What the fuck is causing east coasters to get their knickers in a twist? Oh, is it that we smoked your old fashioned news, advertising and TV industry? Cry me a river. New York is wonderful, but also a stuck record.