Progressivism is battery acid
It sounds good doesn’t it, “progressive”. It sounds positive, forward-looking, constructive. It sounds much better than the opposite, perhaps “status quo” or “stodgy”.
America is divided in new ways and to a new degree unseen in previous decades, including the Nixon vs. Kennedy years. The red people have been doped and they don’t know it but they are no longer conservative, no longer free-marketeers, no longer aligned with the values of the grand old party. Those who realize it are either too afraid to speak up, or would rather keep their party in power than steer towards integrity.
The blue people had a golden opportunity — while America is in trouble and really needs one party to stand up and be the grownup. It chose instead to squander it with infighting and extremely petty sectarian warfare. The progressives decided one fine day that centrist democrats were the enemy and must be attacked, vilified and shamed until they either concede defeat and join the progressives or flee to the red tent.
America is devouring itself with hate.
Progressive publications and digital media attract lots of clicks and eyeballs with incendiary headlines pointing the finger at yet another villain to attack. White people, rich people, police, business owners, landlords, churches, tech CEOs, men, etc etc etc. There once was a dream of a fair and egalitarian society, one that affords great opportunity to all its citizens, and protects them under a constitution, but it seems to be slipping away. Progressives hate everyone. Seriously. They also come up light on solutions. There’s no emerging manifesto or blueprint for a better America. The green new deal feels like ancient history though it’s barely two years old and never happened. The anger that fuels progressives is understandable, of course. Biden isn’t a great candidate. Bernie was sabotaged, again. Warren would have been an exciting president. Blue dog democrats are a sellout and are almost as dangerous as closet trumpers. Meaningful change is pushed further into mirage territory by compromising middle of the road politicians who appear bought and paid for by lobbyist money. Of course you should be angry.
Another big mistake was embracing identity politics. We now have all groups hating all other groups. Thank you — well played. Hard to find a winner here. Anger is understandable but that doesn’t make it right.
What does this all mean?
Perhaps progressives have quietly understood and digested some of the unspoken truths. That the numbers are simply not there to support a blue wave of the kind they wanted. Yes there will be a blue wave in November, but more purple-blue, and with no real change forthcoming. Perhaps they also understand that the radical agenda they talk about in their roommate apartments in urban blue pockets is simply not a thing when you hang out in America’s suburbs. Maybe that’s why they realize there’s no need to build a blueprint and prepare for victory, because a democrat victory isn’t really the victory they dream of. It won’t lead to police reform. It won’t trigger restitution for slavery. There won’t be a general living wage for all citizens, and there certainly won’t be Medicare for all.
Progressives are right on so many issues. It’s a pity their message sounds so glum and that they come across so bitter and unappealing. Many of their ideas are actually very popular in mainstream America, specially universal free healthcare. Many of their other ideas do not travel well, at all.