2 min readMay 3, 2021


Nice try, Jan. But it’s the Woke narrative that is guilty of this “we’re smarter than you, we know, and you don’t know” mentality. The sanctimonious slime that drips off every interaction with a moral high ground occupier, then followed by the vitriolic attacks on everyone who doesn’t agree with them. Anyone who dares question their superior intellect and their enlightened views is clearly someone to be sneered at and told to correct their position. But the woke people get an F in marketing — they completely fail to understand how to in people over.

I thank James Carville for his much-discussed interview on Wokeness is a Problem, where he describes how the negatives of wokeness far outweigh the positives. The faculty lounge intellectualism of urban blue pockets will never conquer the hearts and souls of hardworking middle class people, yet the woke folk continue to sneer and talk as though only they can see the light. It’s a problem for democrats in general because right wing media can easily quote and ridicule woke speak, making the entire democratic tent look like spoiled children who didn’t get their participation trophy.

I take this position because I care about beating the red party and I care about rebuilding the American middle class, not because I think I’m intellectually superior or need to sneer any anyone. In fact, I often suspect the faculty lounge intellectuals are not even interested in an economic revival: this may not play as well for them as a massive wave of unemployment and urban decay. Sad, that they would wish for hard times so they can do better on TV.




Written by Markokenya

San Francisco geek, entrepreneur, wannabe economist, mediocre equestrian

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