Member-only story
Joe Biden is a genius
No I’m not being sarcastic. Here’s why grandpa Joe is our hero
We almost lost America in November 2020. The MAGA people had no idea what they were voting for, but if you’ve traveled to any of the former democracies like Turkey, Philippines, Brazil etc you know what it is that we narrowly avoided: a broken country where a corrupt dictator uses organized crime, the military and crony business leaders to stay in power forever.
The other Democratic candidates in 2020 wouldn’t have beaten Trump — they would not have garnered enough union and blue collar voters and would not have rebuilt the blue wall while simultaneously securing the votes of educated middle class and higher income voters. Only Joe could have won 2020.
Then in January, America moved in stunned silence and confused feeling of relief and anxiety, our national PTSD in some undiagnosed state of denial, to see what Joe would do. The angry mob of progressives, woke people, and the hate-the-rich brigades were ready to pounce on Biden at the first sign of a sellout or weakness in the face of corporate special interests. The Fox News crowd have behaved as expected, slamming everything the new White House has done as socialism and America-hatin’ God-hatin’ gender blending. That’s OK because we knew that was in the script. Centrists everywhere held their breath…