I'm a former democrat, was a lifelong democrat, and it took me the past 10 years to gradually, then finally, walk away. I'm done with the preachy, sanctimonious, petty and fundamentally unkind nature of modern democrat voters. So this article almost speaks to me. I didn't go red. I just left the blue.
One thing I can guarantee you is that talking to red voters as though you're smarter than them is never ever ever going to work. They have more money than you. They're physically stronger than you. They see no part of you they would wish to emulate. They can't imagine what it is that allows you to sound so condescending. They don't know everything, and certainly they don't like everything that MAGA is.
One thing they do know: they don't like you.
If democrats wish to win an election maybe in 2028 they will need to become likable.