If a man were to write a condescending piece about what women need and should do, he would face ridicule and shaming for mansplaining a topic he doesn't understand and isn't qualified to speak about. Yet. a woman feels 100% entitled to womansplain everything for simple dmb ass men who never did develop properly and have reached adulthood without the essential pieces.
Oh, thank you, wise woman!
Look, I think the era of the metrosexual man is well behind us. Just perform a measured experiment to prove it out for yourself. Get a soft spoken small man who writes code, has no muscles and low levels of masculinity all round, put him up on a dating site like Hinge or Bumble, and compare him with a shit for brains strong guy who breaks rocks for a living.
Shit for brains will get the girls.
This proves nothing except that any man needs to walk with a certain amount of masculinity, assertiveness and confidence or he will fail to meet the world's expectations. He needs to run to help a fallen cyclist, hold the door for a woman, help and elderly person cross a busy street, and he needs to project kindness, confidence and strength.
Please cancel me.