Nov 11, 2020


I didn't read this - just the headline.

I am thrilled with the new moderate president.

I am terrified the defeated president may try a dictator move and succeed.

America needed a centrist president so we could begin healing. we're done with the tribal BS we saw over the last decade. Snowflakes vs deplorables. The voice of reason the center muted and drowned out by megaphones in the hands of far left loony toons who had no chance of an electoral majority, and right wing nutjobs commanded by a deranged dictator.

It's time for moderate republicans (who voted for Joe and Kamala) to come to the table with moderate democrats as well as progressives who are able to be grown-ups and stop throwing tantrums when they don't get what they want.

It's time for the middle class to have a voice again.

It's time for healthcare to be affordable and accessible.

It's time for immigration reform.

it's time for climate action.

Many critical tasks on the agenda. Not an idealist utopian agenda. A practical, difficult, American agenda that requires grown-ups to manage it.

I am so thankful we didn't get a blue wave.

I'll be even more thankful when the dictator is actually gone.




Written by Markokenya

San Francisco geek, entrepreneur, wannabe economist, mediocre equestrian

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