I am so thankful that Obama steadfastly resisted being owned by the left. Instead, he navigated a centrist agenda and sincerely tried to work across the aisle, but most importantly he tried to create a platform that spoke to all people. He is my favorite president. He began by saving the economy in a brilliant display of high IQ strategic planning that never cost the taxpayer any money because the investment paid for itself in a few years. He fucked with Russia and he won. He hacked North Korea and broke all their rocket launches. He killed Bin Laden to shut the Rambo contingent the fuck up. He listed to Black Lives Matter and he fostered a lot of progress in race relations without ever creating a 'chosen people', and he sometimes came down hard on black community leaders who wanted handouts without accountability. He was a centrist and he wasn't going to let the left reach over and turn his steering wheel.
Best president ever.