Excellent article - I think you nailed it with emotional intelligence and in general the layer of judgement, vibe and emotional reaction to input, beyond the hard data. It's hard to imagine all the opportunities that will present themselves as we evolve from our current roles to new, higher roles in which our emotions and right-brain responses are the most valuable layer of a orkstack that is largely operated by robots and AI. Imagine a hiring / staffing operation where all the initial sourcing, screening and interviewing is done by AI and robotic agents embedded into your company's systems and data. Over this operation would reside an analytics layer that is constantly generating insights into the data and reporting trends. It may notice a sharp drop in successful hires being of a certain personality type, demographic or age bracket. The human layer overseeing the operation may devise a plan to manually take over hiring where the candidate is identified as belonging to that group or demographic. It may take a few months to reverse the trend, but our vibe ability entered the flow and moved the dial, as an example.